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Pool Tiles


Pool Drops1.5 _ Pool Blocks 1.5 with blo
  • Do they kill blackspot algae?
    Yes, POOL BLOCKS and POOL DROPS Plus are one of the few effective treatments against blackspot algae which is common in all types of swimming pools. Chlorine has no effect at all on blackspot algae as only a specific long term algicide destroys the algae cells. Some scrubbing is helpful during treatment to remove the waxy protective coating that forms on the exterior of the blackspots. Tough, wall based algae such as blackspot grows slowly and dies slowly and a full three month treatment period is required to kill all living cells and this is why short term algicides so often fail. Once the algae is dead, only the mineral remnants of the spot remain and this is mostly composed of calcium and can either be scrubbed off with a stiff bristled brush or a follow-up acid treatment with citric acid can be used to breakdown the dead remnants left behind. This follow-up treatment involves lowering the pH of the pool water with citric acid (which dissolves organic marks) and sometimes some additional hydrochloric acid is required to further lower the pH to around 6.0 for about a week, then the pool is rebalanced back to pH 7.2 and any remaining spots are scrubbed away.
  • How do POOL BLOCKS and POOL DROPS Plus work?
    The natural trace element copper has been used for centuries to inhibit algae growth and has been used for many decades as the active constituent of hundreds of algicide products available worldwide. Our high performance products also include a complex blend of non-active ingredients which result in the active copper ions being very readily absorbed by the algae cells at low levels (just 0.4 to 0.8 ppm). This low level is in line with both the Australian and World Health Organisation recommendations for drinking water at 1.0 ppm and also private swimming pool water quality (AS3633-1989) also at 1.0 ppm. Naturally occurring copper is an essential human nutrient found in hundreds of food items such as nuts, beans, peas, chocolate and fruit juices at higher levels between 1.0 and 20 parts per million.
  • Why do POOL BLOCKS and POOL DROPS Plus work so well?
    The secret to the superior performance of our unique products is that they are "made stronger to last longer". Where standard algicides provide a single small dose of algicide which lasts just a few weeks, POOL BLOCKS provide five "once a month" treatment tablets in the one 1.5 Kg container that lasts four to five months in an average pool. POOL DROPS Plus are two to three times the strength of all standard strength liquid algicides, and also last for an entire three to five months treatment period even in testing climatic conditions. The number one reason most algicide products fail is that they simply do not provide the treatment period sufficient to give effective long term results. Algae grows slowly and dies slowly and an effective algicide product must provide several months treatment to work effectively.
  • Which product is best for my pool?
    Over many years, we have found POOL BLOCKS work best in fibreglass and vinyl lined pools where the pH is most often quite neutral around 7.2 to 7.6. Our liquid product POOL DROPS Plus can be used in all types of pools as they perform very well over a much wider pH range. They are especially effective in pools with alkaline pool surfaces such as concrete, pebblecrete and marblesheen or where the pH is typically higher than 7.4 most of the time. With correct pH control in the normal swimming pool range of 7.2 to 7.6, you can choose either product based upon whether you prefer the ease of a 'once a month' application or the simplicity of a 'once a season' treatment (three monthly treatment period).
  • Do I still need chlorine while swimming?
    Yes, chlorine is required when swimming to control harmful bacteria. Once our highly effective products eliminate all algae from the pool, less chlorine is required to maintain minimum levels of free chlorine; 1.0 ppm in unstabilised pools, 2.0 ppm in stabilised pools, and an additional 1.0 ppm where the pool water exceeds 26 degrees Celsius. In the non-swimming months, our effective long term algicides keep most pools sparkling clear and free of all algae for months at a time without any chlorine at all. Just a weekly dose of chlorine in winter is helpful to bleach leaf marks and debris from staining.
  • Do I add POOL BLOCKS as they dissolve?
    No, our solid algicide tablets are designedto be a slow release treatment which dissolve fully in the skimmer basket over several days, but treat the pool water for an entire calendar month. If POOL BLOCKS took an entire month to dissolve, they would work far too slowly. Once dissolved in the water, our algicides are used up controlling algae cells and spores at a constant rate so simply add them as they are due on the calendar as per directions.
  • How often are POOL DROPS Plus added?
    Our unique long term liquid algicide is added just "once a season" in an average size 50,000 litre swimming pool. POOL DROPS Plus are a potent double strength algicide formulation and we get superior results by adding the one litre bottle at the start of each season for long term product performance and protection against all forms of algae. The additional active ingredient simply stays in the water longer and is used up at a constant rate on algae cells and spores which enter the water.
  • When adding POOL DROPS Do I need to turn off my Salt Water Chlorinator?
    The directions for use for POOL DROPS LIQUID ALGICIDE PLUS ask you to turn off your salt water chlorinator for the day when you add the product. If you can add the Algicide so that it is fully diluted as per the recommended dosages by the time it reaches and passes through the salt water chlorinator cell then you do not need to turn off the chlorinator. We recommend that you add the product around the edges of the pool furthermost away from the filter water intakes. If you are uncertain then you are advised to turn off your Salt Water Chlorinator until the Algicide is fully diluted as per recommended dosages.
  • How do Waterblocs work to Clear Cloudy Water?
    Waterblocs are a specially formulated microporous block that grows Beneficial Bacteria & Archea. The bacteria is already present in your water and is usually the best. It is these microorganisms that compete with Algae for food and break down contaminants using their own unique natural & specialised enzymes. This can have the effect of clearing cloudy water, establishing colonies of bacteria and assisting the Nitrogen Cycle. It takes up to 10 days for the Waterblocs to activate and they last 3 months.
  • Where should I place the Waterbloc in my water?
    It is best to place the Waterbloc in an area of low water flow on the pond floor. Waterblocs can be placed or suspended in different layers of the water column to target different areas. They can be partially buried in gravel or in the pond floor. Bacteria & Archaea will colonise the Waterbloc and grow within its microporous structure, after 3 months the Waterblocs might be depleted and can be left in place adding zeolite, activated carbon and stabilising minerals to the water.
  • Are Waterblocs safe for Fish, Plants, turtles or frogs?
    Yes Waterblocs are safe to use with Fish, Plants, Turtles and Frogs. Waterblocs are a natural biological mineral block that promotes growth of the indigenous bacteria & archaea from the water, within the block. By boosting the natural system Waterblocs helps to clear cloudy water. Improving aesthetics and conditions for marine animals & plants.
  • Is it safe for my pets to drink the water?
    Generally because Waterblocs only boost the natural system already present in your aquatic water system to condition the water quality. Our Pets and Animals can drink all types of water and usually drink water that is at a lower standard to us. Although Waterblocs do not treat water to human consumption standards they should not adversely affect water quality for Pets if used as per directions in water from ponds, fountains, and dams. Several methods of water treatment should be used simultaneously if water is to be consumed.
  • Can I use Waterblocs in Fresh & Salt Water?
    Yes, Waterblocs are Suitable for both Fresh and Salt water systems.
  • Why is my Water Cloudy after Stain Treatment?
    Generally a stain removal treatment will release excess calcium from all pool surfaces. This calcium is often not fully dissolved and will cause your water to look cloudy. We recommend that you balance the pool water to pH 7 for a few weeks or until the cloudiness starts to disappear.
  • Do I need Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) when using SERIOUSTAIN REMOVER?
    Recent or very light staining will not require the addition of HCl Acid. We recommend that you follow the label instructions for "Severe and Old Stains" as written on the SeriouStain Remover product label which does require the addition of HCl Acid.
  • I left a POOL BLOCK directly on my pool surface and its left a stain, how do I treat it?
    POOL BLOCKS should be added to the skimmer basket of your pool (they can also be put into a float or in the pump basket if no skimmer box is available). If you have left a block directly on the pool surface you might get a copper stain on the surface. This can easily be removed using an acid based stain removal product. SPOTBLOC Stain Eraser is recommended for this type of localized staining; simply rub on a small amount of the Spotbloc Stain Removal chalk and the stain and it will start to dissolve. For more information on removing stains follow the SPOT STAIN removal guide.
  • What is Ultraviolet Light Disinfection?
    Ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection uses specially designed lamps and chambers to kill or render microorganisms harmless in a dedicated environment. UV water treatment is a natural and efficient way to eliminate all harmful water borne pathogenic (disease causing) microorganisms including all bacteria, viruses & protozoa.
  • What are the Advantages of UV Disinfection?
    UV treatment is capable of disinfecting water quickly without using chemicals. YooVee is a Chemical Reduction System (CRS) that reduces the risks associated with by-products of chemical water treatment methods, such as the exposure of chloramines to humans, animals and aquatic life. UV is pH neutral and is compatible with all other water treatment systems. UV treatment systems typically have low power consumption making them extremely cost effective. YooVee also allows for aeration to assist with water oxygenation, pH control and chemical injection. Low capital set up cost with minimal maintenance requirements. UV is compatible with all other water processes (i.e., RO, filtration, chlorination etc.).
  • What are Common UV Applications?
    UV disinfection is used in air and water purification. YooVeeTM is suitable for all Re-circulating Water Systems such as commercial swimming pools & spas, heated hydrotherapy pools, aquaculture, zoos, industrial processing & recycling, mining, nurseries, food & beverage, water features & playgrounds, ponds & lakes and drinking water systems.
  • What are the Factors Affecting UV Disinfection?
    UV treated water can be reinfected soon after treatment as UV leaves no measurable residual sanitiser in the water. It is recommended that the UV sterilizer be set to treat water by re-circulating or be installed as the final step of treatment located close to the point of use. Water sources high in calcium and other metals can result in scale build-up on the quartz sleeve, obstructing UV penetration. As such, sleeves may need to be cleaned periodically. Turbidity or cloudy water contains suspended solids that can harbor microorganisms, shading them from the UV light and the necessary UV exposure. Therefore it is recommended to pre-filter the water to be treated. The YooVee’sTM unique chamber forces water to swirl around the chamber reducing the chance of shading or blinding. UV treatment can also be affected by temperature. The optimal operating temperature of a low pressure UV lamp must not exceed 40 °C. UV levels fluctuate with temperature and the quartz sleeve buffers direct lamp-water contact thereby reducing temperature fluctuations.
  • Are there Special Installation and Maintenance Considerations?
    Once the application has been determined, you should find a location near an electrical outlet that offers easy access for service. You will need to have access to filters and to the UV chamber for annual lamp changes and inspection of the quartz sleeve. Upon initial installation all points of the distribution system after the sterilizer must be chemically "shocked" to ensure that the system is free from any downstream microbial contamination. Lamps should be changed at least every 10 to 18 months. Quartz sleeves should be inspected at least every 6 months. If minor deposits have formed, the sleeves should be wiped down with a soapy solution. Do not leave fingerprints on the quartz sleeve. For proper operation and disinfection follow the manufacturer's guidelines.
  • Medium Pressure vs Low Pressure Ultraviolet Light
    There are two types of ultraviolet lamps used for water treatment - low pressure & medium pressure. Low-Pressure UV lamps deliver the highest UV-C Output for their initial Input Watts, offer the longest useful life, generate the least heat, and are the most “temperature compatible” and cost efficient of the two. Medium-Pressure Lamps produce 10 times more heat than Low-Pressure Lamps and produce the majority of their UV Output in the UV-A and UV-B spectral areas, well outside the specific UV-C “Germicidal Spectrum” and that required to destroy chloramines. Low-Pressure UV lamps produce 33-40% of their UV Output in the UV-C action spectrum, which is unmatched by Medium-Pressure Lamps (maximum 7-13%). Low-Pressure Lamps’ “cost of ownership” is far LESS EXPENSIVE than Medium-Pressure Lamps, due to Medium-Pressure Lamps' short lamp life. Short lamp life requires that they be replaced much more frequently. In order to obtain the maximum life from a Medium-Pressure Lamp, the lamp’s operating temperature must constantly be monitored and controlled. This increased level of control adds a higher level of sophistication and can lead to lamps blowing due to the difficulties and intricacies of temperature control. For these reasons, our YooVeeTM systems use Low-Pressure lamps.

Main Product Categories

Algaecide Clarrifier Flocculants

Stop your pool from turning green and eliminate all types of Algae. High strength algicides reduce chlorine consumption and kill Blackspot algae. You will save money and have sparkling clear pool water.

Pool Stain Removers

SpotBloc™ is a unique underwater chalk for spot stain and water scum line removal. The SeriouStain™ Remover range is a DIY system for all organic and mineral staining problems without draining the pool water.

Waterbloc Block range paint_edited.png

A Biological Treatment to CLEAR UP CLOUDY WATER. Waterblocs are specially formulated to promote the rapid growth of beneficial bacteria when immersed in an aquatic water systems. FRESH & SALT water with fish, turtles, plants, pets and other organisms live.

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Products by Application

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Ball in swimming pool
Stain Pics from tearaway before_edited.p
Fish Pond
Drinking Water Tank

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